Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Newspaper Article

No I really don't agree with the Author because I think students should keep reading. Yes I am more a watcher and a listener, but I still need to read because it helps you learn more words and it betters your comprehension skills.The students might learn better by listening or watching but they can read after they learn by listening and watching. By reading it can help them learn something else that they did not learn by watching and listening.

Albany High School New York

The principal at Albany High School in New York has different blogs for different events that take place at Albany High School. The high school has a blog that is written by the students. It is about whats going on at the school. They have another blog telling about all the sports, PTA, and everything else that goes on at the school.

Lewis Elementary

The principal at Lewis Elementary gives the teachers, students and parents the opportunity to use web blogs. It is a way to communicate with students and their parents. It publishes students work, and manages the knowledge that memebers of the school and community creates. The principal says its a cheaper way to alernate a course managment skills.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Goochland County Public Schools in Central Virginia

Goochland County Public School offers a blogging, podcasting, and power school blog for the students and teachers. These links give the students and parents succeed in education. The parents has access to their child's grades and attendance records. It also gives the parents, students, and teachers an opportunity to interact in communication with each other.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Shift Happens

I feel by the year 2010, I will have obtained the basic skills needed for teaching to become a good teacher. However, I feel that this career is a career of lifelong learning. Just because I will have sufficient communication, teaching skills, and relationships with the children does not mean that I will be up to date with the critea to be taught. This is the reason that teaching is a lifelong learning career because the material is constantly changing.

Adding links and Pictures

First we will review the methods for creating a link. Our first link will be to The fischbowl , a blog for tchnology training used at Arapahoe High School in Littleton, CO.

Here is a picture from Littleton High School

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Access is available to all Alabama public high school students. It provides: equal access to high quality instruction, An infrastructure that delivers quality learning opportunities, great equity for all Alabama public high school students through the 21st century technology. The access DL plan provides Alabama students with access to quality instruction and coursework by blending: a rigorous web-based and Interactive video conferencing courses taught by Alabama certified and highly qualified teachers, a technical infrastructure to deliver approved web-based courses and connect IVC labs via a statewide network, three reginal support centers to hire, train, evaluate, and support e-teachers, statewide coordination, scheduling, and support for distance learning.
The goal of access is to contiue to meet objectives of the Access plan, to expand the availability of accs\ess distance learning to all public high schools in the state. Access gives the students access to advanced diploma courses, provide access to additional course offerings, provide access to advanced placement and dual enrollment/dual credit courses, and provide access to remediation and supplemental resources.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Making use of Alex

The website ALEX is a very good website for teachers. It has a lot of links to lead you to a successful year in teaching. I have already learned a lot just by looking at it and clicking on the different course of studies. I think this website will come handy to a lot of teachers. It will only help them if they will take the time to use it.
I will be able to use this website a lot in my classroom when I become a teacher. It provdes me with an example of a lesson plan and it gives a stating point in making a lesson plan. All the differnt links it sends you to by going to search will be very helpful. I'm really excited to know about this wesit ALEX. Its going to come very handy for me. When I get more time I going to practice making a lesson plan. I so excited to become a teacher in the future.


Alex is a website called Alabama Education Exchange. Its a website that helps teachers to become effective in teaching. It provides links to which department the teacher is teaching to become successful in the classrooms. Alex is a great program for teachers in their first years. It provides examples of course studies, lesson pans, searches, personal worspace, professional learning and distance learning.
The course study link provides all the subjects to click on. Then it gives you a grade level to pick from. This link provides an example of a course study. This website provides a link to send you to pick a choice of a link for web links dealing with education. The links include: teacher weblinks, administrator weblinks, and student weblinks. Alex provides a link to teach you how to design your own lesson plan. Alex also provides a link called Alex/Thinkfinity database. This has several links including: Alabama Course of study content standards, thinkfinity lessons/activities, web links, and lesson plans and resources. Alex provides a link that sends you to visit the Alabama Department of Education Program Websites. These websites helps find professional development opportunities, teaching and learning tools, the latest news, best practices, and more. The last link it provides the distance learning link. This is a link that offers an access to opportunities for students statewide to engage in advanced placement, elective, and other courses. I'm glad I know about Alex now, because this is a great website for first time teachers.